This morning was my puppy’s first snow. It was beautiful and white. She nosed around and mostly ran, clearly happy with her new experience.
I was thinking about snow and how beautiful it is. You know the feeling, when you wake up in the morning and it has snowed overnight. How wonderful the trees look, how quiet and serene it can be. I think that experience is not dissimilar to how we should feel about God.
Let’s think about Winter. In Winter the trees are bare, there are no flowers. There aren’t many birds singing, it’s cold and gray. There aren’t any barbecues, no fun games outside like tennis or golfing. You can’t go outside and go swimming and can’t sunbathe. The days are short and you long for more sunlight. It’s a long time until Spring, when you can enjoy the outdoors again and the days become warm and the daylight lasts for a nice long time.
Now think about how that relates to how you feel sometimes in your life. Things seem bland. Things don’t have any vibrancy in your life. You might lose interest in things. You aren’t having any fun anymore, you just feel so cold inside. Just like in Winter, only that’s what it feels like in your life sometimes. It’s not a fun place to be in your life.
Sometimes we drift away from God when we feel bland, cold, and dark. Sometimes it feels like our relationship with God is just dead. We don’t feel any warmth, we don’t see the beauty that is represented sometimes by God when He blesses us with the feeling of sunshine on our bodies, the wonderful fragrances and colors of the flowers, the sounds of birds chirping. We feel like we have to wait until things get back to where we want them to be.
The point of all of this is to bring to your attention that you don’t have to wait. You don’t have to wait until Spring to feel good about life and to have fun. All we need to do is to realize that Spring can be every day when we realize that God’s love is available to us every day.
All you need to do is pray and think about the awesomeness of His love for you. His warmth is always available in your heart. We only need to see it for what it is and realize that those cold days will pass if you have faith that He can make it warm and beautiful every day. We only need to look for him and feel His love. Spring can come every day, just keep your faith. You can do it!